

Real Product-Market Fit

Real Product-Market Fit

Apr 21, 2024

Nicolas Munoz

Hey everyone! I’m the guy at the helm of, where we help startups soar into their next growth phase after achieving product-market fit. Grab a coffee, and let’s delve into these insights, enriched by my experiences and the wise words of Marc Andreessen and Michael Siebel.

What’s really going on with product-market fit?

Marc Andreessen perfectly captured PMF as the point where you can’t stock your product fast enough, or your servers struggle to keep up with user growth. It’s that “aha” moment when everything aligns—sales skyrocket, and the pace of operations becomes frantic because everyone wants what you’re offering.

But here’s a scenario you may have witnessed too often: a startup experiences a surge in user sign-ups or lands a big order. Immediately, they think they’ve made it. They ramp up hiring, escalate marketing efforts, and scale operations. But here’s the twist—they haven’t truly nailed what their market urgently needs yet. It’s like celebrating a touchdown when you’re only at the 50-yard line.

The Startup Illusion

Many get drawn into the allure of “startup life”—the hip office, the cool culture. But from my experience, that’s all just background music. What truly matters is whether your product solves a real, significant problem for people. Without that, you’re just another pretty face in a crowded room.

True indicators of product-market fit

Beyond Just Numbers—Sustainable User Growth and Retention:

True PMF isn’t just about growth; it’s about sustainable, almost overwhelming growth. Users don’t just try your product—they depend on it, they love it, they tell their friends about it. Imagine a café so good that people are willing to line up around the block every morning, rain or shine—that’s real market fit.

Profitable Growth:

And here’s where the rubber meets the road—profitable growth. This isn’t about growing at any cost. It’s about intelligent growth, where the costs of acquiring a customer make sense because they stick around and significantly boost your bottom line.

How to (Probably) achieve product-market fit

The Golden Rule: Listen to Your Customers:

If there’s one mantra you should live by, it’s this: talk to your customers. Seriously, nothing will teach you more about your product’s fit than actual conversations with those who use it. Their praises, their complaints, their casual comments—it’s all invaluable.

Embrace the Grind: Iterate Relentlessly:

PMF doesn’t come easy. It’s a game of persistence and endless tweaking. You’ll pivot, you’ll adjust, you’ll overhaul—and then you’ll do it all over again. It’s about staying agile and responsive to what your real-world usage is telling you.

Achieving and maintaining true PMF is like sailing—exciting, a bit daunting, but ultimately rewarding. It’s not just about creating a product; it’s about continually aligning that product with your ever-evolving market.

Think you’ve nailed PMF? Or maybe you’re still figuring it out? Either way, let’s chat. Achieving product-market fit is an iterative and ongoing process. It requires patience, resilience, and a deep understanding of your customers. At, we believe that PMF is not just a milestone but a continuous commitment to aligning with evolving market demands and customer expectations.

I hope this discussion helps you steer towards the kind of product-market fit that doesn’t just spark temporary success but ignites long-term growth. Visit us at or reach out directly to explore how we can support your growth and success.